Saturday, November 8, 2014

2014 (147) November (4) October (19) September (14) August (7) April (11) March (11)

Melodic punk rock / crossover. "Trio LUCKY COLOURS originated sometime 1988-89. The first line: Kopeň Martin - guitar (lyrics, music) / Michal Randl - bass / Mark Slonka - drums. The whole 90 years took place in the band changes in the cast. The drums were replaced gradually Radim Szkandera / Thomas Pech and finally ended Standa Hovadík. Basu were replaced, as they walked behind: Paul Orban / Zdenek Oborný / Petr Galambica. Despite the high turnover of musicians toured Lucky colors in our region northrop grumman jobs and beyond .... Olomouc (Submarine), Zlín (Golem), Prague, Mohelnice ... managed to go MC - here and there (studio Barbarella, technology, sound - Mroš, recorded in December northrop grumman jobs 1997) and in the year 2000 CD - HAPY MYŠMAUS (Mrose u too ..). About year later, the band slowly fell asleep. It was originally written with outvoted Y in the word Barvy- trio youngest representatives of prerevolutionary havířovského just punk rock. (Martin Kopeň, the main one in the colors of paints, the band had previously Chaos). Lucky colors never came within the three- report. Martin Kopeň, very good guitar, very good vocals with traces of blues feeling, the founding assembly bass and back vocal Michael Randle and drums I think Marek Slonka Modulation of 33. Until his music also blended the influences of British guitar bands, for example, spoke after the revolution. alongside Radegast and Polish PYDŽAMA porn in Ostrava ... "( --- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- crossover punk / indie band from Czech. mišo
I am looking for recordings of these bands (may be on tape, CD or MP3 format). Who you have them, come in, we can change. THIERY BIBI (punk-hardcore-crossover from Bratislava) VOLVIC pic - pass "Trains on the Danube" A STRANGER (Nove Mesto nad Vahom) SLUNEČNICE be amazed (Ba?) Jozef (Blava?) Or saliva (Punk rock, Blava?) OF PITY INSTRUMENTS (alternative-HC, Blava?) DEVÍNSKA new thing (punk / jazz of Devinska Nova Ves 80-ies) KRVAVÁ northrop grumman jobs CIKANICA (Ba?) LITTLE JANE (Malina) ZURICH 1916 (Blava) Recordings of the session Demoextáza (Radio Ragtime) demos, recordings of the trial or concerts punk / alt-rock / HC / new- wave bands from Slovakia - especially the years '90 -'00
Hi Miso, Miso here. I'm doing two blogs. One of them has a name-BAND COMMUNICATION (ie music-communication) and is mostly about music, minority genres, omissions bands, recordings are not already readily available, and the whole is oriented more or less retrospective. But beware! Blog is not about collecting, or a fetish rarities, nor the dusty nostalgia. SUPPORT BANDS, CHODIEVAJ concerts, recordings and KUPUJ heads - ROB also something you and /! The second blog - gallery represents mainly my art creation - drawings, paintings, but also artistic expression of others. I am 33 years, I listen to "rock upstream" almost 2/3 of my life. If you want to write so, exchanges contribute, comment. Hello, my name is Miso and I running two blogs: Music - The communication is about underground / alternative genres of music and Galeria second blog is mainly about presentation of my artworks. Sharing music and trades is welcome! View my complete profile
2014 (147) November (4) October (19) September (14) August (7) April (11) March (11) May (15) April (14) March (18) February (17) January (17) 2013 (218) December (12) November (13) October (15) September (16) blog gallery update northrop grumman jobs residues Latvia / Latvian leftovers electroacoustic music / electroacoustic MUSIC 196th .. VILCIENS passengers (1996) GRANĀTĀBOLU Namiņš - CD should, without GALA "Tava Year" (1995) Madhouse "S / T" CD (2000) No shit fanzine. 1 (1989) INVITATION on car SUN CONCERT "SP" (1991) PRINCE "We do not want to go to Disneyland!" northrop grumman jobs (2003) table - Magazine northrop grumman jobs slobodomyseľých people (1998) ŽOAMBO Zoet WORKESTRAO "Svakog Dana U SVÁK Pögl ... MUSIC NOT NOIZE blog - Interview with Matt KOSA nose" Songs III. "(199?) LUCKY COLOURS" Myšmaus "(2000 ) August (16) April (25) March (22) May (24) April (17) March (19) February (19) January (20) 2012 (226) December (19 ) November northrop grumman jobs (15) October (22) September northrop grumman jobs (14) April (9) April (18) March (15) May (18) April (18) March (27) February (24 ) January (27) 2011 (269) December (24) November (25) October (26) September (24) August (23) April (22) March (18) May (20 ) April (21) March (25) &

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