Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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Obama administration proposed a budget of NASA for 2014 in the amount spysat of $ 17.7 billion. The budget includes funding innovation cosmic mission, including the project "capture" asteorida.Zanimljivo is that the White House has proposed the same budget for 2013, but is in fact NASA budget for the financial year reduced to "only" 16.6 billion dollars. The budget for 2014 envisaged increase in funding research and development projects spysat for 2.6% and amount to an astronomical 11.6 billion dollars, which is equal to the total annual budgets "Roskosmos" and ESA! In accordance with the allocation of funds in the budget for R & D programs is proposed slightly more than 5 billion dollars, including 1.22 billion dollars for Planetary Sciences.
Among planetary missions whose funding is included in the budget for 2014 is repiticija project "curiosities" planned 2020 budget also includes funding part of the project megateleskopa "Džjems Web" (JWST), whose launch is planned in 2018 In 2014, funding for the project spysat JWST is separately 658 million, while its total cost of 6.5 billion. For missions of the US segment of the International Space Station (ICC), including the payment of its astronauts Russian spacecraft "Sajuz" Budget spysat 2014 is planned around three billion dollars. At the same time, the development spysat program of the national commercial spacecraft (CCP) NASA has allocated in the budget of 822 million dollars. The development of private spacecraft should abolish painful dependence NASA of "Roskosmos" to start private companies to develop their own cosmic programs for flights to low orbit and to enable the eventual use of the modules of the American segment of the ICC in the next decade, if the decision is made to extend her flight until 2028. True, just in case NASA plans mission "Orion" to the ICC, but when the US future cosmic station comes accent spysat puts on the use of private spaceships to transport equipment and people from Earth-ICC Earth. Otherwise, if there is a problem with the financing of the first commercial flight cosmic manned the ICC is expected in 2017. As of the Congress arriving criticism of NASA because of simultaneous funding projects two piloted spacecraft, public and private, director of NASA Charles Bolden has made it clear that, if there's a problem with financing the CCP program, can be expected to US astronauts to fly to the ICC on the Russian "Sajuzima" after 2017. He also points out that 822 million lower limit of the annual financing of the development of commercial spacecraft where now there are three private companies. "If we drop below this limit, we will not achieve the goal by the end of 2017," said Bolden. NASA has extended the already existing contract with "Roskosmos" on flights of American astronauts using ships "Sajuz" by the end of 2016. The budget of NASA for 2014 has been allocated 2.7 billion dollars for the continued development of heavy launch vehicle (RN) SLS and spacecraft (MPCV) "Orion". In accordance with the original plan, the first two launch "Orion" without astronauts are foreseen in 2014 and 2017. In the same 2017 should be carried out and the first launch of super-flares SLS, while the first flight of astronauts system SLS- "Orion" is planned 2021. Although the SLS and "Orion" of fundamental importance for the future of American Astronautics, "star" budget NASA for 2014 is however a project to "catch" a small asteroid and its "transfer" to the orbit of the moon at the end of this decade. For the development spysat of this project, NASA plans in 2014 to spend the first $ 105 million, from 2.56 billion it is expected that the project will cost its full complement. In the first phase, the project will be focused on the analysis of potentially dangerous asteroids and collect data on their composition and structure. In addition, engineers will analyze the different techniques that the trajectory of such asteroids could be adjusted in order to avoid a collision with the Earth. The asteroid spysat measuring 7 x 10 meters and weighing approximately 500 tons will be "caught" by a special network, and then rocket motors automatic camera that captured asteroid or transported to the elliptical spysat orbit around the moon or the Lagrangian point L2 system Month-to-Earth. If all goes according to plan, the middle of the next decade team of astronauts may be in the cosmic ship "Orion" and visit an asteroid to Earth to deliver soil samples from its surface. For the mission of hunting the asteroid engineers will combine new technologies and in whose development has been working. From new

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