Sunday, June 29, 2014

126: Sphinx (mushroom): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 18:29:33.99 ID: Features EaAoxoqH0 the national space cent

Quoted source: 1: manul (Osaka): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:23:31.29 ID: reSM9d210 PAK FA ( experiment is started from March next year, fifth-generation fighter development is proceeding in the Tactical Air Command for future combat complex), 8 aircraft that runs on the end of next year. Sunday, Victor Bondarefu Lieutenant the national space centre General of the Russian Air Force said on Tuesday. Currently, in the flight experiment at the factory, experimental program the national space centre that is doing well, according to Lieutenant General Bondarefu aircraft. According to the Bondarefu lieutenant general, experimental fighter of the future that takes place over two and a half years from two years. At the beginning of 2016 or 2015, T-50 type fighter to enter mass production, and that is assigned to combat units of the Air Force. http://upload.wikimedia .org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/Sukhoi_T-50_in_2011_% 284% 29.jpg/800px-Sukhoi_T-50_in_2011_% 284% 29.jpg 4/45/Sukhoi_T-50_Maksimov.jpg/800px-Sukhoi_T-50_Maksimov.jpg 4: Manx (Iwate Prefecture): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:26:17.00 ID: z4FlpiNu0 Umukakkoii 7: Sabiironeko (Miyagi) : What +0 F-15 + F-22 A0WJafs feel 8: 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:27:24.56 ID Jofuroineko (Aichi): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:28:18.54 Let the successor the national space centre of this F-4 also KExbYScw0 Self-Defense Forces: the national space centre Murray Wildcat (mushroom): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:28:37.28 ID 10 Na want because it is likely packed full missile Large j7 + RnNOW0: ID ... when F-35 Nantes the national space centre can do to combat deployment w Wakan'ne 14: is this money from Dotta I j6 + QfnMA0 Russia: Burmese (Shizuoka Prefecture): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:30:06.25 ID to pale in GDP I come out
97: Libya and wildcat (Osaka): Not in stick 9X37bgn90 the national space centre >> 14: 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:10:11.03 ID. The military-related Russian with and sell to technology American fighter ... I'm situation that should not be do not trade much less or bluff a little in order to survive without gold ... 20 Na to have funding: Siam (Tibet Autonomous Region): 2012 / FX IuVF309l0 the national space centre of Korea: Amur wildcat the national space centre (Tokyo): 26 Na-like prototype of j0gd + xYH0 殲: 12/24 (Mon) 15:32:03.77 ID 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:37:27.59 ID black and white (Iwate Prefecture): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:39:14.70 ID: Na has become yRCXRVCW0 smooth, 34 I was a lot more straight line Russian aircraft is WIF enter every 29 to selection: only tOw/9/qP0 this by piling huge fool the engine 39 outrageous and 1 seater: 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:42:46.68 ID: (Tokyo) Bombay Sabiironeko (Tokyo): 2012/12/24 was 6/NQgBfx0 bankruptcy: the national space centre 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:49:26.44 ID: (soft bank) Bombay: 41 I Do not fun but with the same period DQ3Vynsr0 roughly F-35: (Mon) 15:47:19.12 ID Japan's Tsukuren stealth fighter is equally applicable to make in Russia?
2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:51:10.28 ID:: 45: (Hokkaido) wildcat the national space centre was bankrupt 1q4f0coG0 >> 41 Russia because it is communism on that has been taking a lot of resources to the military field, but the military field by that amount accumulation the national space centre of 47 advantage far from Japan in this respect there is an enormous, even if the aircraft: the national space centre What generation bu + ue8Xj0 generations: Kijitora the national space centre (East): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 15:54:33.87 ID This I
51: Murray Wildcat (mushroom): Asian Golden Cat and (soft bank): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:00:13.20 ID: 54's fifth generation KExbYScw0 >> 47 This 2012/12/24 (Mon 16:04:55.26 ID): 0nTGbASu0 strake can move as canard
In Mai is also the reason to be dogfight Na paddle got a need for this kind of +60 >> 54 wBSeIr 57:: 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:56:33.83 ID: 85: (Osaka) snow leopard Jofuroineko (Xinjiang) : By changing the form of even 5auf9sbU0 nozzle 60 s a very perfect beauty: 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:18:09.13 ID La Perm (Chiba): the national space centre 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:22 : I will do a stealth-like Huzcpwwa0: 17.10 ID. Amur wildcat (Hyogo): 71 Na good looking quite OZqPnaVuP: 65: clouded leopard (WiMAX): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:36:07.57 ID 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:41:44.25 ID : America is not a wonder any more potential enemy and where to'm such care fight Russia roughly +1 EDmRY0 V
Russia and China are wary of China, which has continued to the U.S. approach and Yaro have decided to ZkpbSlrP0 the national space centre >> 71 China: the national space centre 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:00:37.01 ID: 88: (Osaka) European lynx candy's trying Nigiro the hegemony of Eurasia jointly be with turn natural the national space centre resources in Eurasia obvious to 72: clouded leopard (Aichi): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:42:21.39 ID: there is no relationship KHKvNxJO0 but are you not making such as Germany?
2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:46:28.16 ID:: 78: (dion Army) Haiironeko England and Italy, which has been doing QJEhsDv40 >> 72 Eurofighter plan together because the national space centre I Netorare to F-35 joint development plan than such care to raise it's subtle as a partner in joint development for domestic industry protection, France from trying Oshitoso selfish to production of the F-35 when on track physical strength to its own development indeed 79 seemed to be: Lion (dion army): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:48:08.56 ID: tJ0sY0Dg0 engine nozzle around 81 a disguised smell: Manx (home): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:51:50.96 ID: KaAIkZrG0 form-ish stealth plane, but If you look at the surface treatment, I do not expect the stealth ability so much? I hope from Raptor 89 kyefWCMM0 appearance: tortoiseshell (WiMAX): 83: Russian Blue (Tokyo): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:52:39.44 ID 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:00 : 41.72 ID: anxious yd87pwRe0 nozzle's a bare carelessly, but 99 I'm gonna check all right: I like a boomerang the national space centre hOHOSeSC0 first: Smilodon (Oita Prefecture): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:11:32.80 ID The withered he'll become more and more common design then Although I feel the future is in stealth machine
Was Ana~tsu did not have the ability you just want to calculate the curved surface 393PKsS10 >> 111 F-117 nose, to the computer at the time: 125: Manx (Tokyo): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 18:27:10.27 ID. Coarse polygon so to speak. It's neck and neck feel like almost the F-22 As far as I know for the time being sw + PYPv50 specifications (which is expected?): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:18:56.78 ID: 103: (Aichi) SHI or end of the F-22 a little over one period the national space centre I
2012/12/24 (Mon) 18:51:22.01 ID:: 136: (Nagano) Bobcat Russian troops although it was completely useless until the 2000s from lpr3hBTa0 >> 131 the collapse of the Soviet Union, far better Jaguar cat (Tibet Autonomous Region): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:20:59.40 ID: wuY1NuKU0 one machine, you should have bought in the trial 105 even after being weakened at a stretch in the '10 such as the Navy I was able to update. 2012/12/24 (Mon) 17:55:50.98 ID:: 117: (mushroom) clouded leopard story of the next generation fighter F-22 after does not come out at all from the United States but xPsWuoipP How stuff works?
126: Sphinx (mushroom): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 18:29:33.99 ID: Features EaAoxoqH0 the national space centre >> 120> maximum, destroying communication facilities missiles and enemy high-power microwave and laser beam in (HPM) In that is that it can be. > That it and can even missile launch base of enemy> to destroy at a stroke by a laser to intercept ballistic missiles of the enemy in the launch the national space centre phase unlike the missile defense system. it is to be expected that the air-to-air missiles (equipped with a maximum weight 2045 kg) is also equipped to intercept> the enemy missiles in a variety of ways is also possible. Beautiful aircraft Unlikely because it is stealth machine to truly un78zXWA0 >> 1: What 's curving w 124: 2012/12/24 (Mon) 18:23:11.44 ID: (Aichi) Andean cat? The http you fell in love at a stretch to see this image Do not cool PiESiUBk0 PAKFA:! Kab-(Aichi): 2012/12/24 (Mon) 18:37:58.61 the national space centre ID w 127 it was beautiful in Seriously I thought I: / / Tweet
Reaction of Overseas: Special
2012/12/24 (Mon) 16:56:33.83 ID:: 85: (Osaka) snow leopard Ni Mai is also the reason to be dogfight Na paddle got a need for this kind of +60 >> 54 wBSeIr and every time I see this kind of writing, The I states that can not assume Na recall that of F-4 early, which is populated with gun pods without the Vietnam War to say "why you want to dogfight because of the missile is not," said because happen at any time, for when that happened w Though weapons and is of having equipment the national space centre
It 's had less to comment caretaker, in the other entries. I tell you the truth Because I wonder the national space centre looking at rice field, but from ugly sloppy, "F-35 is not complete" I will quit and the Hirogen hoaxes system.
Stealth performance Naa's likely low
The stealth maintenance is complicated Russia because it is the amount originally focus on strategy

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