The American newspaper f 16 fighter jet The New York Times has asked a group of reporters to assess its digital strategy newspaper. Duration six months. Report ("Innovation") with 90 pages has just come out. Joournalism Harvard Nieman Lab has called "one of the most important documents of this era of media". Important: New York Times is one of the headlines with free access to articles after a certain number of articles free (paywall) functions. Removal of director Jill Abramson has nothing to do with the accounts, but with management reporters. Since there are simply employed as an editor wants to believe. Professionals are to be addressed f 16 fighter jet carefully. Adapted in English by
What does the report contain? Many interesting things. Here are the eight most important: the New York Times journalism is excellent, but not distributed efficiently. Importance Cover (homepage) has fallen: only a third of users / readers visit, others f 16 fighter jet come to articles through search engines or suggestions of others. The first page of the print newspaper attracts a lot of energy and attention. The best articles in the newspaper attributed those journalists who have little knowledge of dixhitales "while their colleagues skilled in this field do work such as the relocation of the news from one page to another." The distribution and allocation of materials f 16 fighter jet is left as part of the technical, administrative task, but the "packaging", promotion and supervision requires separation of editorial material. One suggestion: journalists must submit, along with news, five tweets to launch. Many journalists are convinced f 16 fighter jet that Social Media Club serves to promote their work. In fact, his task is to collect information. Editorial department should cooperate with the newspaper business, always respecting f 16 fighter jet the division of roles: should f 16 fighter jet in no way be confused with advertising journalism. However, better to avoid expressions like "Church and state" (Church and State), used often in the New York Times. For an idea design division, while the objective is common. In the archives of the New York Times there are 14.7 million items since 1851 This material should f 16 fighter jet be used, because there was nobody else. "We have both a newsletter and a library," says the report. We must learn to reuse materials archive. Flipboard was a great success in 2013, offering the best nekrologjitë f 16 fighter jet are published in the New York Times. Question: Why did not own the New York Times this thing? There is no reason why Ted Talks (with tickets ranging up to 7500 dollars) could not have been created by the New York Times, which has named names, quality and experience. Experiments and innovations are entrusted few offices (graphic f 16 fighter jet design, social media team). f 16 fighter jet Journalists are omitted. Often happy that is the case.
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