Saturday, August 30, 2014

Still, the same as Lenin, who is also appreciated for long after his monstrous, that was quite clea

This essay, which holds the authorship of a famous contemporary publicist, tries to refute the role it had in the architecture of the multi-knowledge in this field, Le Corbusier. With a very easy language, do178b intellectual, and in some places very fierce, with arguments carefully and with a clear vision, the author of the essay is convinced that Le Corbusier was a totalitarian architecture and has already brought bad history its ...
Le Corbusier was to architecture like Pol Pot about social reforms. In this sense, he had much less reason to apologize for his activity by Pol Pot; though unlike kamboxhiani, he possessed a great talent, even genius. Unfortunately, he transformed do178b his talent into destructive conclusions and it is not coincidence do178b that he willingly do178b served as Stalin as much as Vichy. Like Pol Pot, he wanted to start from Year Zero: before me: Nothing; after me: Everything. By their presence, as rectangular towers that obsesionuan peeled it-it really disrupted centuries of architecture. Hardly how a city or town in Britain (to take an example that a nation) have failed to separate his composing and later pursued a project by local architects and planners, who were inspired by his ideas.
Writings about Le Corbusier often begin with a splurge of its importance, something like: "He was the most important architect of the twentieth do178b century." Friends and enemies would agree with his judgment, but the important thing was obviously morally and estetikisht- she was ambitious. Besides all things, Lenin was the most important politician of the twentieth century, while its influence in history and not the merits, that made him so: the same happened with Le Corbusier.
Still, the same as Lenin, who is also appreciated for long after his monstrous, that was quite clear to all, so Le Corbusier do178b continues to be revered by all. Indeed there is something in this adulation survival, which continues to take place. Nicholas Fox Weber has just published an exhaustive do178b biography and generally very laudatory do178b and Phaidon do178b has produced a book of huge and very expensive, and with a great love of the work of Le Corbusier paid. By continuing, a little earlier, opened an exhibition hagjiografike, which is dedicated do178b to Le Corbusier in London and Rotterdam. In London exhibition just opened in the complex of buildings of repellent, built in 1960, known as the Barbican, whose concrete brutalizmi do178b seems designed precisely to limit the fear, shame and confused for any type of human being, the who feels himself quite unfortunate to try to find herself through her image. Barbican was not designed by Le Corbusier, do178b but certainly understood he was inspired by his unique style of architecture heartless.
In this exhibition more shot to get in conversation with two ladies stërveshura the type of those women, who usually spend the night in the exhibition. "It's wonderful, and you do not think so? "Said one of them, which I had to replies:" Monster "was gjegja. Both understood eyes opened so wide, as if I had denied the existence of Allah in Makkah. If most architects honored this evening Le Corbusier, who did qenkemi us in these secularists, human dry sak background in its buildings, which does not even know almost nothing of the problems of the construction of buildings, and to achieve criticize? Having do178b warmed even more to my favorite topic, I spoke of the horrors of using the material had to be Le Corbusier, reshape specifically, who really do not fossilize so so sleek, but instead crumble, sullied breaks. And if only one of the buildings, which is inspired by it can reach destroy the harmony of the whole landscape of the city line, I insisted. A building type is inappropriate Corbusian with nothing but yourself.
Two ladies mentioned in conversation that they themselves lived in the main part of the city, buildings belonging to the eighteenth do178b century, whose appearance and social atmosphere do178b were already apparent do178b drowning of two massive towers, made under his ideas understood. Towers of them every day confront Putin with their impotence to përshfaqur anything about this situation, by appearing as they themselves are so sad and boring. "And who do you think was the main inspirer of these towers?" - I asked. "I understand what you mean," said one of them the same way as the connection of the party in this case would be difficult and even - very difficult to do.

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