Thursday, September 11, 2014

To participate in egg hunts, otv in direct nothing more simple. otv in direct For a few euros, Seco

150,000 Kinder Surprise eggs for the Secours Populaire: golem13
To participate in egg hunts, otv in direct nothing more simple. otv in direct For a few euros, Secours populaire gives your child permission to hunt that gives him the right to go in search of decorated eggs scattered throughout the park or in the forest. Eggs thus found can then be redeemed against treats and gifts. An exciting day for the kids, or a great moment of joy and adventure for the whole family! In 120 cities of France!
Present in 120 cities otv in direct of France, the egg hunts Secours Populaire are open to all! Check out the interactive map below to see Hunt nearest to you eggs! And if you do not see your city on the map, please contact the antenna closest to you to find out popular Relief ... or arrange them with an egg hunt next year! otv in direct
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