Tuesday, March 10, 2015

On the way out of the park, we ate at an Italian restaurant where everything went so fast (45 min t

First, we three girls from the studio in Denmark living together. Line, Randi and me. We live in a small three bedroom apartment with a kitchen-al room, two bedrooms and a bathroom. We take turns to sleep on the couch, but it is now well. :)
The second room, my, where Randi's stuff is also stored. ;) Introductory weekend continues. Dean had invited to ice and keep as up to a queue! When students hear the word free, so come ALL! The temperature was very high, and we were more strongly considered going when the queue was simply too long and that the ice was probably small. But where we were wrong! When America gives anything away, so give ANYTHING away. We got giant balls, even two scoops of ice cream, and then there was also a large buffet with all kinds of toppings and a large bucket with chocolate sauce. We would all have to try it all, so it resulted in that we all felt bad most of the day.
Three times potions. Mmmh! After much ice and more ice, so we spent the rest of the day walking around and enjoy ourselves in the city. The evening had two of the others from the studio invited all the other Danes on American burgers. It was mega cozy, but my how was it hot! We ended up sitting 12-15 people in a room with air conditioning, otherwise we died of heat stroke. We had been out and buy a few beers, and there were still a prejudice. # Prejudice no. 8: Americans are incredibly afraid of being sued! When you went in to buy beer in a group, so should ALL in the group show ID might otherwise not buy any alcohol. No one except the head!
The two sweet hosts! Then came Monday (d. June 24), the first day of school. Meen, not for me! I start first day. ;) Most of the day was spent outside in a park after a long detour out on the side of a highway. ;) In the evening Randi and Line for hours while I was at home. Was actually nice just to have time to relax a bit and talk to some people at home. Earlier in the day, our toilet stopped and we had been down and tell the caretaker, but they had not yet come to fix it when the others came home. In the meantime we had spent a toilet by the caretaker, su 30 mki but this was closed, so was not exactly well. We went over to our neighbor to borrow the toilet. He was a friendly su 30 mki German who was going home to Germany the following day, so he asked if we would not be with us eat breakfast with him. We said then yes.
Tuesday, this time my first day of school, we met with German at 7:15 in the morning (Randi and I had to go for hours at 8:30 am). He took us to a canteen at Harvard Business School, where there were eggs, bacon and all the food you otherwise could wish for. The breakfast was however quick when we had to hours.
Harvard Business School's canteen! Everything is just so nice over here! Little Harvard-like. After hours we were picked up by Thomas (one of the girls' laboratory, who has lived in Boston for several years), su 30 mki and drove us directly to downtown Boston. We started to run the city thin, and stopped at the port. We went here at lunch, which we found in a food court in an old market hall. We could buy everything your heart desires, there were no limitations. su 30 mki Head, but that's life in America. ;)
Food court! Outside there was so hot that we went into a store with the same. This shop was a 365-day Christmas shopping! And what they could not get in there. Below are some of the weird things Americans can do. ;)
Old and new in one. We ate ice cream in a park where this little duckling came over to us and bustled around our feet. It was just so sweet!
On the way out of the park, we ate at an Italian restaurant where everything went so fast (45 min to eat) but was as good food and large portions. ;) We were all driven home after a really good guided tour! :)
Today most of the day was spent in walking around the city together with Jane, and otherwise enjoyed the time alone in the apartment. Have now been great to be able to fix this blog and otherwise enjoy the peace. ;) Haha. Driller just miss you girls. ;)
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