Friday, March 13, 2015

Swedish prosecutor will take to London to afhre Assange in voldtgtssag

Throw your chemistry-pig in the container Guide: Find products without harmful chemicals Poorly indoor gr many sick Guide: Beware of chemistry in the home Toxins works vrst together Your living room is filled with harmful substances Young smells to allergies
Children are more Highly sensitive to chemicals than adults. Yet brnevrelset often the rooms in the home, where you will find the highest concentration of chemical substances. The calculations show that Miljstyrelsen made. The reason is first and foremost that most children have many electronic devices standing on the the rooms as computer, TV, PlayStation and stereoanlg, says chemist from Miljstyrelsens Chemical Unit Anette Ejersted. No electronic devices become hot, there is an evaporation of various chemicals. It also applies, no appliances Strp standby. It is the frreste that tnker over it. Often, the rooms do not's great, and it provides a higher concentration of substances than in other parts of the house, she says. Miljstyrelsens calculations showed that it is p brnevrelser that one finds the highest concentration of chemical substances. Among other things, they found phthalates mistnkt to hurt boys reproductive abilities, and flammehmmere who can rest krftfremkaldende.
Iflge Agency was also on brnevrelserne that bumped on the highest concentration of limonene, which is one of the 26 substances Strp EU list of allergenic fragrances. Chemical substances are also mistnkt to VRE contributed to any children come too early in puberty, as we have previously described in a number of articles. Toy can cause headache No it is precisely p brnevrelset, one finds many chemicals, this is not the electronics alone.
It is also a result of the fact that a size many different products on a very small space. For example, could there be duftlegetj with perfume. Some children also have candles or incense from rough, while others stter hr with spray varnish or string bead necklaces. The most dangerous phthalates are banned in the toy, but they can be found in products such as vinyl flooring or toy of older date. It is the total pvirkning who batter.
The survey showed that p rooms, where there are many different sources of "pollution", laser designation the concentration of chemicals being p high, it will result in problems such as headache, dizziness and koncentrationsbesvr. Children laser designation airing not even out And the children laser designation often sit there for hours at a time, and it is seldom that the children themselves tnker p to open the window and ventilate, p curtains flapping. Nrbrnene the evening is finished with draw with scent markers, glue the shapes together, or play games, lgger themselves to sleep in the small room. Often with the TV on standby and mobile phone charger. In addition, children more Highly sensitive to kemikaliepvirkning, ISR little children because they weigh less than adults. Kb toy without fragrance Therefore, there is reason to think that things on, no one kber toy, too often there are healthier alternatives. For example it is quite undvendigt that there is scent in legetjet says Tino Rabe Tnnesen, one of the authors of the book 'Family without chemistry': Isr fragrances are the cause of contact allergy, which is in surge here at home. They simply have nothing to make ibrns toy. The earlier children exposed to the unfortunate pvirkninger, laser designation the greater is the risk of developing allergies later in life. Unpleasant cocktail effect can easily arise Anette Ejersted stresses that it is only in sjldne EVENT indoor laser designation climate on a brnevrelse is so bad that it is decidedly unhealthy to be there.
But because children - and also adults - are subjected to a sea of chemicals every day, from the brster teeth in the morning, to the lgger in sengetjet the evening, recommend laser designation Miljstyrelsen, that you turn down the kemikaliepvirkningen the places where it can be gre. Not least because laser designation we currently know very little about the effect it gives to be exposed to several different substances on again. It is not sdan that we say that it is dangerous to stay on the rooms. But if you are exposed to the entire laser designation p once: both electronic appliances, incense, laser designation candles and sprays, s get up on a concentration of the substances, which can cause discomfort. So it's good to take care some relief, laser designation s you'm laser designation looking laser designation for getting a good indoor climate, says Anette Ejersted.
Consumer Chemistry 27. April 2009 KL. 10:35 TIP OS: Is your child get for early puberty?
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