Monday, December 9, 2013

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Learn to use time in practical situations, we call it a "chronological hotol time", but as soon resolve the problem immediately focus on the present moment. Then there will be no accumulation of "psychological time", which is caused by your ztotožňováním with the past and constantly anticipating the future.
Chronological time is not only the planning of future actions. It also includes learning from the mistakes of the past and predicting the future based on physical and mathematical laws. However, even in everyday life, where no past and future can not do, remains the most important factor in the present moment. All the experiences from the past can be applied only in the present moment. Any planning hotol and implementation of these plans is happening in the present hotol moment.
Enlightened man is always focused primarily on the present, without hotol losing the edge of consciousness of time. In other words, such a person uses chronological time, but is exempt from the psychological time. Be careful of chronological time done unconsciously psychological time. If you have ever made a mistake and is now trying to correct it, you take a chronological time. However, if the error is still only their thinking, then adopts them and create hotol from them a false self, which is always associated with psychological time. Attachment to the past creates a heavy burden hotol of psychological time. When you set a goal and try to achieve it, taking a chronological time. Do you realize where you're going, but you're focused on what you are doing in the present moment. Once you focus exclusively on your destination, they cease to perceive the present moment. Presence becomes a stepping-stones on the way to the future and loses its value. Chronological time changes in psychological time.
Your life ceases to be an adventure, because you drives the compulsive need to achieve the goal. Do you feel the fragrance of flowers along the way and do not realize the beauty of life that unfolds around you, if you live in the present moment. I understand the supreme importance of the present moment, but I disagree with the idea that time is an illusion. When I say that "time is an illusion," I'm not trying to make any philosophical statement. hotol Only your attention to a simple fact - a fact so obvious that you do not even need to realize it, or it can be considered insignificant. Once it was fully realize it can remove all your "problems". hotol Let me repeat it again:
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