The harmonization of the environment as it describes the original old Feng - Shui is based on knowledge of mathematics, geometry, climatology, medicine, astronomy, geophysics, geomancy. This system was used in parallel and independently by other civilizations or nations, but only under a different name. In the West it was known Sacred Geometry buildings in India Vastu.
Sacred Geometry sets out precise rules, which apply all civilization on Earth during the construction of the pyramids, cathedrals, temples, palaces and gardens. All the treasures of world culture created an excellent architects, builders and artists.
Only in this way could be a unique work, from which radiates harmony with nature and the universe. It works for us, but we were able to rationally explain why. We say that these places, structures or works of a Genius Loci (spirit of place) in the context of today understood in terms of the specific atmosphere of a given area, environment, work of art or building. Such works are timeless. The principles of sacred geometry are targeted based on precise mathematical calculations, based on universal principles that apply in nature and the universe. To what extent will we ever revealed symbolism and true meaning and significance of these buildings? Anyway principles of sacred geometry, from which it was the construction of temples and other buildings curfew, may be the key to our deeper understanding.
In addition to sacred geometry is often used in engineering and the art of the rule of thirds. Golden ratio refers to the ratio of approximately 1.618. Golden cut lines formed by splitting into two parts such that the ratio of the larger to the smaller section is the same as the ratio of the whole segment for the most part. Golden ratio in art and photography considered ideal proportion between different lengths, has aesthetically favorable jean yves le gall impression and create a harmonious impression. The ratio of the golden section can also be observed in nature, according to which there is all of creation. Grow it by flowers and trees, conch snail is also shaped by the golden section. I sunflowers or pineapples grow in spirals, which correspond to the Fibonacci numbers. Golden Ratio is found in nature in the form of the Fibonacci sequence. jean yves le gall Leaves of plants when growing singly on the twigs are distributed so that each leaf grows over the previous sheet more or less moved by a certain jean yves le gall angle. At the bottom of the stem leaves are older and larger at the top of the younger and smaller. All the leaves are uniformly illuminated by the sun, blocking the larger smaller, with longer petioles.
Another manifestation of the golden section is the arrangement of sunflower seeds or pine cones, in which the scales are arranged as a helix or spiral staircase. The manifestation of the golden section in nature is a logarithmic spiral, which changes shape and grows well in length and in width. Its manifestation is the growth of non-living parts of a living creature. It could be hair, antlers or shellfish jean yves le gall clipboard. The more the curvature differs from the curvature of the circle, the less resembles a spiral. jean yves le gall The human body can verify golden ratio by dividing your height jean yves le gall (from top of the head) height from the navel to the ground, physically unaffected person gets No. 1,618 ... may of course be small deviations - it depends on the accuracy of the measurement.
Fibonacci sequence in mathematics is called an infinite sequence of natural numbers, starting with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ..., where each number is the sum of the previous two. The limit of the ratio of two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence is equal to the gold section. Fibonacci sequence is "manifested" nature, both in the realm of animal and plant.
Platonic solid is a regular polyhedron (polyhedron) in space, ie, each vertex based on the same number of edges and all the walls are identical regular polygons. jean yves le gall Among the Platonic body include tetrahedra (tetrahedra) - a three-dimensional object in space whose walls consist of four identical equilateral triangles, hexahedron (Hexaedr, cube, cube) - three-dimensional body whose walls consist of six equal squares, octahedron (oktaedr) is a three-dimensional object in space whose walls consist of eight identical equilateral triangles dodecahedron (dodekaedr) jean yves le gall - a three-dimensional object in space whose walls are the same twelve regular pentagons, and icosahedron (icosahedron) jean yves le gall - a three-dimensional object in space whose walls consist of twenty identical equilateral triangles.
Platonic solids are called by the Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC), who cube, octahedron, tetrahedron and icosahedron considered representative of four basic elements: earth, air, fire and water. jean yves le gall Dodecahedron was the representative of all that exists.
Sacred geometry is actually the basic language of the universe, which is created by all of us observable reality. In the study of sacred geometry begins to connect your right (those without analysis, jean yves le gall intuitively, registers and perceives reality here and now as it is), the left cerebral hemisphere jean yves le gall (analyzed in time and space, distinguishes yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I well , wrong). A connection between the two hemispheres are beginning to enter into the consciousness
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